Custody and Court Process


Select each client in the household, and update the client information. Remember that the AIn Household@ checkbox should always be checked for each child even if the child is in placement.



Enter the information on this screen. If there are more than two family members, you may want to use the Fast/Add command button on this screen. Be sure to document sibling relationships between all the siblings, as well as parents.


Workload/Client/Status/Custody Status/Show


All custody types must be entered on the Custody screen or worker will not be able to complete the Removal screen or the Enter/Exit screen in the placement area. The Shelter screen can still be completed without completing the Custody and Removal screens. It can be documented that more than one person has custody by choosing the Other Radio Button and then selecting the appropriate names in the Select Box. If more than one name is selected, the Comments Box becomes mandatory.


Use New Doc Command Button on this screen to document, for example, Voluntary Placement Agreement or court order to show custody. There isn=t a Cancel Command Button on Document Tracking when going there from the New Doc Command Button. Go to the Tool Bar and click Close, which will take you immediately back to the Custody Status Screen.


The Copy Command Button can be used to copy the custody from one child to all of the other children if the custody information is the same. Click on the Copy Command Button which will display a response box. Select the clients that you want to copy the custody information to and click OK. You will receive a message that says the current custody information was successfully copied to and will display your client=s name(s). You will not be able to view the custody information that was copied on this custody screen because the custody information is client specific. You will need to go to the Client Screens and select the client(s) the information was copied to in order to view this information. If a child has an active DHHR custody episode documented, the child=s name will not appear in this Select Box. Custody must be documented before a removal can be done.


The Delete Command Button is enabled for supervisors only if the Custody Status

information is not associated to another screen. When the delete button is used, all information that was on the screen is removed from the database.


The Clear Command Button does not become enabled until the Custody Status is end dated in either legal, physical or both. If you end date one of the custody types, and clear the screen, the custody that was not end dated will pull over to the new line. The new custody information of the one that was end dated can then be entered. A case cannot be closed until the custody is end dated.


The Adjn Dtls (Adjudication Details) Command Button only appears if adjudication was entered on the Custody Screen prior to the implementation of New Court. When the worker clicks on this command button, it will display the information that was previously entered. The worker will only be able to view this on the Status Screen under Client.  


Custody Status Tab:

As initial information is entered in the Legal Custody Information section, the system populates the corresponding field in the Physical Custody Information. After entering the begin date for Legal Custody and tabbing, the system will populate this information to the begin date field for the Physical Custody. This feature does not work when changing custody information.


Voluntary Placement Agreement Tab:

This tab is Read Only unless Temporary Voluntary is selected in the Official Custody Status. Use the >Voluntary Placement Agreement signed by= Select Box to document the individual(s) that signed the VPA. The Signed By Select Box will be populated from the relationship screen. Begin Date and Expiration Date on Voluntary Placement Info is populated from the Custody Status Begin Date Field, which is under the Custody Status Tab. Expiration date populates from Custody Status Tab Begin Date by calculating 90 days from Begin Date. Worker can change this date if less or more than 90 days, up to 180 days.


Policy says it cannot be more than 90 days, but State Law says it can be up to 180 days. FACTS will not let you do more than 180 days on this agreement. Should end date every 90 days and start a new one because policy says do a new one every 90 days.


Update VPA - If you want to modify or extend the VPA, click on Update VPA, New, and a new line in Voluntary Placement Information inset grid will appear. The system will not allow overlapping voluntary placement dates. In addition, the system will automatically end date the previous VPA one day prior to the Begin Date of the new VPA. The New Doc command button on this screen can be used to document the signed VPA. The Update VPA is not enabled when Custody has been end dated. The Delete under >Update VPA= is used to delete information regarding the voluntary placement information and only supervisors have security to use delete. When you click on delete, it deletes without warning!


Accessing Court Screens


Access the New Court screens by clicking on the New Court icon located on the main case toolbar. Old Court screens can be accessed one of two ways: (1) Worker can click on the downward arrow next to the New Court icon and choose Old Court from the drop down box; or (2) Click on the Old Court icon located in the New Court area of FACTS. Old Court Screens are Read Only. When you are in Old Court, click Exit and you will be back in New Court. System defaults to the court area you were in last.


Workload/New Court/Petition


When you click on the Petition button, the Select Type picklist on the Select Petition response window defaults to Petition. Use this selection to enter a petition which does not have a ratification and click on New. See >Petition Tab= below for instructions on completing this tab.


From the Select Type picklist on the Select Petition response window, select either Ratification (if child is in DHHR protective custody, either taken by law enforcement or by DHHR worker) or Petition, and then click on New. If you choose petition and the child is in protective custody you will get the following message, AClients are found to be in protective custody for this case. Do you want to create a ratification first?@ In order to document the ratification you must click on Ayes@.


Ratification Tab:

The only tab enabled is Ratification. Click on Select in Children in Protective Custody section. Choose client from Client Name picklist on the Ratification Details response window. Click the radio button Ayes@ or Ano@ to show if emergency custody was upheld or not. Enter date if upheld. Select Court Officer Type. You can also type in the name of the officer. There is also a Reason text box to explain any additional details of the ratification. If there is more than one child to document on the ratification, you may use the Fast/Add feature in this response window. After documenting all of the children, click on OK. Click on Add and this enable the Petition tab.


Petition Tab:

In the Petition Type choose the appropriate selection from the picklist. In the Client(s) Section, choose the appropriate client(s) from the Select Box. Date Submitted to Prosecuting Attorney or Date Petition Filed is mandatory; however, Court Numbers Tab will not unlock until Date Petition Filed is entered. Select Prosecuting Attorney from the picklist.


If the Petition was submitted to the Prosecuting Attorney and the PA refused to file, click on the check box beside Notification that Prosecuting Attorney refused to file Petition to unlock the Refusal to File Tab.


If a petition has been submitted on behalf of a client by someone other than DHHR Staff, click on the checkbox beside Not Submitted by DHHR. From the Submitted By pick list, choose the person that submitted the petition. This picklist pulls from the client and collaterals screens. If the name is not found in the picklist, use the New Collateral command button to add them to the collaterals screen.


Complete the Reasons for Requesting Petition test field. Use the Select button in the Relief or Disposition Being Requested section and choose the applicable selections. Select the appropriate Reasonable Effort Statement. You cannot click on the Change Command Button on this Screen until at least one court number is entered on the Court Numbers Tab.


Court Numbers Tab:         

Click Select in Court Numbers section. Choose the client from the Client Name picklist and enter the court number, as well all other information on the Response Box. If there is more than one person in the Client Name picklist, you may use the Fast Add feature. (Remember to click on Fast Add prior to entering any information.) Then, click OK. Click Select in the Motions section and document all motions/amendments that have been submitted.


Workload/New Court/Notify


This screen is used to notify all appropriate parties of Improvement Periods, MDT Meetings, Scheduled Hearings, Hearing/Status Conference Continuance and Family Case Plan Evaluation of Progress.


Workload/New Court/Court Reports


The purpose of this screen is to provide an area to document information regarding reports submitted to the court. An inset grid maintains a list of all reports generated and sent to the court. To build the inset grid, use the Clear button. This screen requires supervisory approval before the reports are taken to court. These would include such documents as Child Case Plan, Family Case Plan, Permanent Placement Review, and Post Termination Placement Plan among others. Some documents, such as the Permanency Plan, are given precedence and thus have their own screen to document a more detailed level of information.


Court Case Number Picklist located at the bottom of the screen contains all of the clients names, hearing review date and court number. Select the appropriate court number that applies to the court report being generated.


This screen has a button to indicate Permanent Placement Review. When this Command Button is selected it will take the worker to a screen where the worker can enter information relating to the Permanency Review.


Workload/New Court/Hearing/Summary


Select Hearing Response Window will display the first hearing type selected in the Hearing/Review Type Select Box on the General Info Tab. The top inset grid will display a history of all hearings documented. The yellow box (in the middle) will display all types selected on the Hearing/Review Type Select Box and all court numbers associated with those hearings will be displayed at the bottom. The Sort Button allows the worker to display the hearings by date or type.



General Information Tab:

Click on Select and highlight the appropriate clients that are named in this hearing. If all clients listed are named in the hearing, use the Select All at the bottom. If there is a picture of a lock beside the end date column, this means an order has been done on that court number. If the worker needs to unlock a number that has a lock, go to the Court Order tab, highlight the grid line that contains that court number sequence and delete the order. Once there has been a removal, termination, etc., it will be permanently locked.


The MDT participants Select Box will display everyone listed in collateral, client and provider areas (either from the Service Log or Placement) and will show the role and relation. Use the Select All button if appropriate; otherwise, select the appropriate clients listed and click OK. Other Parties to Hearing (a legal term) is a text box used to document those people that the judge has designated as other parties to the hearing.


Hearing Detail Tab:

Parental Good Cause Information section is used to document if the court has determined that there is good cause not to pursue child support.


Appeal Information Section is used to document if the hearing was appealed. Document date appealed and the party that is requesting the appeal. The Specify text box can be used to give details of the appeal. If an appeal has been filed, a new petition must be entered with a new court number by going back to the Petition Screen and completing the screen.


Custody information is displayed at the bottom of the screen and lists each child that is in DHHR custody up to the date of the hearing you are documenting. The Custody Command Button is a short cut to the Custody Status Screen and allows you to update current custody information, or enter new custody episodes by highlighting the child and clicking on the Custody Command Button. There isn=t a Cancel Command on the Custody Screen when accessed via the shortcut. You have to use the Close Button on the second tool bar.


Actions Tab:

The Motions/Continuance section documents motions/amendments filed. Click on the Select Box. Select a Motions/Amendments from the picklist, complete the Specify, Which Party Submitted Motion, Date, Reason, Outcome of Motion and Date. Select one client/court combination or multiple client/court combinations from the Client/Court Number Selection Box by highlighting the one(s) you want that particular motion/amendment applied to. Click Add, then OK and this will take you back to the Summary Screen.. If you want to change information an any motion, highlight the motion, make the appropriate change, then click OK. If you want to change more than one line in the Motion/Continuance section, make the change, highlight the next line, make the change, and when you have all of the changes made, click OK. If you want to enter a new Motion/Continuance, click New, and follow the process outlined above. If you need to document a motion before the hearing date, you must go back to the Petition Screen, and document this on the Court Number Tab.


In the Sibling Separation Findings section, indicate if the court sanctioned temporary or permanent separation of the siblings by checking the appropriate check box.


Placement Detail information is system populated from the Placement Screens and displays the most current, open placement for the child at the date of the hearing.


The Court Order Screen does not unlock until the Summary Screen is completed.


Workload/New Court/Hearing/Court Order


The RDU workers will be verifying the court numbers, the court order language and the hearing/review outcome sections that workers have entered on the Court Order Tab. The Court Order Details Inset Grid is pre-populated. The line you have highlighted in the inset grid is the record you are viewing. The same child can be displayed in the inset grid more than once, because this is displaying client/court order combinations. This screen becomes Read Only for this particular client/court order combination if the Removal Screen has been completed, parental rights terminated, or a finalized adoption has been done; however, information can still be entered on the Next Hearing Tab for additional hearings. Court order information can still be entered on any other client/court order combination in the inset grid if a removal or termination has not been done.


Information cannot be entered about a hearing unless the court/client name combination is in the inset grid. After information has been entered for one client displayed in the inset grid, this information can be copied to other clients listed. If all of the information is exactly the same for the others, right mouse click on each name in the inset grid that you want this information copied to (they will turn blue as you click them), and click on Copy. You will get an edit that says >This procedure is not reversible and it will overwrite the existing data. Do you want to Continue?=. Click yes if you want this information copied to the names in the inset grid that are blue. If you do not want the information copied to the ones in blue, click no and deselect them. If all information is not exactly the same and you want it copied, enter what is the same, then right mouse click, copy, then update each individual record. This copy procedure will wipe out any existing data, and will overwrite it.


Court Order Tab:

Using the Select boxes, document the language in the court order and the hearing review outcome. If you select any of the check boxes, they will populate to the Hearing Review Outcome box. If Court Ordered Child Removed from Home is selected, a petition must have been entered. Also, the court number, court order date, and petition date will populate to the Removal screen. If this is not done, you will not be able to do the Removal. The Delete Command Button is enabled for supervisors.


Order Details Tab:

To document an Improvement Period or Probation, select the appropriate choice from the picklist and complete the fields that appear. The information required on the screen will change, depending on what is selected from the picklist. If there is no improvement period or probation, make no selection from the picklist. Complete the Visitation section. If the matter was dismissed, make the appropriate selection from the picklist.


Adjudication Tab:

If the child has been adjudicated, click the Adjudicated Check Box and the Court Order Date Section will populate. If the worker selected juvenile delinquency or status offense as the petition type, the remainder of this screen will become enabled. Complete the information as appropriate.


Next Hearing Tab:

This tab documents the next scheduled hearing and whether this hearing has been re-scheduled due to delays, etc. To get information populated to the Schedule History Box at the bottom of this tab, the information must be entered under Next Hearing, Hearing Type, and Comments Sections, then click Change. As you highlight each line under the Schedule History Section, the comments entered above it will be displayed. Make sure all information is correctly entered in all fields before adding or changing the screen. Once the next hearing information is added to the database, the scheduled history contained in the inset grid can not be altered. New lines can be created but existing lines cannot be altered. The Delete Command Button is for supervisors.


Workload/New Court/Hearing/Attorney Information


The appearance of this screen has changed and two new command buttons have been added. The Copy button will allow you to enter the information for one child and copy this information to other children listed in the inset grid. Complete the information for the first child highlighted in the inset grid by selecting the appropriate names from the Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney(s) for Client, and CASA picklists. As you make your selections from the Attorney(s) for Client picklist, their role will appear in grey on the screen. Once you have made all your selections from the picklist, Add the screen.


Next, put your cursor on the name in the inset grid you want to copy this attorney information to and do a right mouse click. When you do this right mouse click, the line in the inset grid will turn blue. Repeat this procedure for each child listed in the inset grid to whom you want to copy this information. After you have made all your selections, click on the Copy button. You will receive a warning message reminding you that this procedure is not reversible and will overwrite existing data. To continue, click >Yes= and the attorney information will copy to the children you have selected.


The names that populate the Prosecuting Attorney, Attorney(s) for Client, and CASA picklist, come from the Collateral Information screen. If you find that a name you need is not listed in the appropriate picklist, use the New Collateral command button. This will take you directly to the Collateral Information screen. Click on Clear and enter the new collateral, making sure you select the appropriate Relationship to Family from the picklist. Add the screen. If you have another collateral you need to enter, click on Clear and repeat the process. Once all new collaterals have been added, click on the Close icon located on the second toolbar. This will return you to the Attorney Information screen.


Placement Screens




For the child to be IV-E eligible, DHHR has to have physical and legal custody. In order to complete the Removal screen, DHHR has to have active legal custody. On the Placement Clients response window, if NO is indicated in the DHHR Custody column, the system will allow you to go to the Removal screen, but information cannot be entered.


Removal Information Tab:


This tab documents the type of removal of the child from the caretaker's home. There are three types of removal and each type is documented differently. If the child was removed due to a court order, all the details of the petition and the hearing must be documented in the Court section. On the Court Order screen, the Hearing/Review Outcome must be Court Ordered Child Removal. If the Hearing/Review Outcome is not Court Ordered Removal, a court number will not populate the Court Number picklist. This is a mandatory field and without it the screen cannot be added.


If the child was voluntarily removed from the caretaker, this has to be documented on the Custody Status screen. A court number is not mandatory.


If the child is removed from a caretaker through protective custody, this has to be documented on the Petition screen and if needed, in the Hearing section. A court number is not mandatory.


Exit Custody and Care is a new section. The Removal End Date will be populated by the system based on data entered on the Enter/Exit screen. If a worker enters a date in this field while the child is in placement, there is an edit that says >You must record the child=s exit from placement in order for the child to be returned home=. See Enter/Exit screen below for further instructions.


If a placement has not been made, the worker can enter a date in this field.


Removal Context Tab:

Child Removed From Section - This picklist is dynamic based on the selection in Primary Caretaker Child Removed From Section and populates all available relationships based on the caretaker selected.


Parent/Guardian Information Tab:

Address of Parent/Guardian at Time of Removal is system populated. Describe how Parent=s Rights Regarding Removal were Safeguarded is a text box and worker is to fully explain what steps were taken to safeguard the parent=s rights.


Reasonable Efforts & Conditions Tab:

Either Reasonable Efforts Made to Prevent Removal or Reasons For Not Making Reasonable Efforts are mandatory, as well as the Conditions section. Complete these sections using the Select boxes.


The Copy command button is used to copy the information that was entered on the Removal Screen for this particular child to other children who have open custody . Highlight the appropriate child you want the information copied to, click on the downward arrows, selecting the appropriate court number, primary and secondary caretaker. Click OK.



Use the Find command button to select the appropriate provider. A search can now be done by a distinct ID number. Select the appropriate provider from your search, and provider information will be populated to the Recommend Screen, including the provider ID number. For instructions on how to complete the remainder of this screen, please refer to the Placement Desk Guide.


Workload/Placement/Place/ Enter/Exit

There is new functionality on the Enter/Exit Screen regarding the Exit Date and Reason. Enter the date and time of the exit from placement. The Exit Type picklist is enabled after the Exit Date is completed. The selection from the Exit Type picklist is dynamic and changes the screen based upon the selection from the picklist. There are two selections in the Placement Change Reason: Temporary Exit Placement Change or Child Permanently Leaving Placement Care and Custody. Select the appropriate exit reason. If you select Child Permanently Leaving Placement Care and Custody (DO NOT SELECT THIS UNLESS THIS IS A PERMANENT EXIT) you will get a Stop Sign that says >STOP! The System will exit this placement, end date this client=s active custody with DHHR and end date the current removal episode. This should only be used if this client is permanently leaving placement, custody and care.= If you click OK, you will be brought back to the Enter/Exit Screen. The Reason Picklist is enabled after the Exit Type picklist is completed. When you click Change, you will receive another message that says >Clicking ok will End date the placement, custody and removal for this client. If you do not wish to proceed, click cancel button.= If you click OK, the placement will be end dated on the Enter/Exit Screen, custody will be end dated on the Client/Custody Screen, and the Exit Custody and Care Field on the Removal Screen will be populated with the exit date from the Enter/Exit Screen.


Workload/Placement/Place/ Caretaker

When entering Placement Exit Details Section, refer to the previous paragraph because the functionality is the same for exiting a placement or caretaker placement.



Termination of Parental Rights     


Workload/Court/Parental Rights/Recommend

This screen has two separate purposes related to the termination of parental rights: To reflect the recommendation of termination and to reflect the recommendation of not terminating parental rights. An inset grid at the top of the screen maintains a history and/or documents each parental termination episode. Worker highlights a line on the inset grid and the identifying information related to the line populates the rest of the screen. Once the court number is pulled in on this screen, nothing can be deleted in the court screens.


If the child has been in the custody of the Department, the Child has been in Legal Custody for 15 of the last 22 months checkbox will be populated by the system.


The worker will select either the Termination Recommended or the Termination Not Recommended radio button. The worker chooses the appropriate parent from the picklist and the relationship of that parent will populate the Relationship field. The worker will enter the date the MDT Approved the recommendation in the date field. If the Termination Recommended radio button is selected, the Termination Recommendation Details section is completed. The worker enters the Date Recommendation was sent to the Prosecuting Attorney and the Steps Necessary to Terminate Rights.


If the Termination Not Recommended radio button is selected, the worker completes the Compelling Reasons for not Recommending T.P.R. section by using the select box to reflect the appropriate reasons for not terminating parental rights. The worker must justify the Compelling Reasons in the Explain text field.


After all the appropriate fields are completed, the worker will Add the screen if the transaction is new or Change if the worker is altering existing information in the data base. To document another termination recommendation episode, the worker clicks on the Clear command button to create a new line on the inset grid.


Workload/Court/Par Rights/Terminate

This screen is utilized to document the rights of parents being terminated either by the court or by the parent voluntarily relinquishing his or her rights. Before this screen can be completed the Hearing/Review Outcome select box on the Court Order screen in Hearing must be Termination of Parental Rights. This is a tabbed screen and each tab is used for a different action.


Terminate-Termination Details Tab:

If the parental rights of the parent are involuntarily terminated, the Termination Details tab is completed.

In the Court Ordered Termination of Parental Rights section select the Court Number from the picklist. The only court numbers which will be in this picklist are the court numbers associated with hearings with the Termination of Parental Rights in the Hearing/Review Outcome select box on the Court Order screen in the Hearing section. The Order Date will populate over from the Court Order screen. Choose the Parent and the relationship will populate over from the relationship screen. Choose the Type and enter the effective date of the termination


If the parent is deceased, complete the Deceased Parent acknowledged in Termination Order section. Pick the deceased parent from the picklist and the order date. The deceased parent=s relationship will populate over from the relationship screen.


Enter the Date Notification was Published and indicate with the check boxes if the child was Referred for Adoption Planning and if Visitation was Granted.


Terminate-Voluntary Relinquishment Tab:

This tab is used only if the parent voluntarily relinquishes parental rights to a child.

Click on the Voluntary Relinquishment Document Used to Terminate Parental Rights checkbox to enable the section. Enter the date the SS-FC-47 or the SS-FC-47a is signed and choose the Type from the picklist. Use the Select box to show the Clients Signing Voluntary Relinquishment. Enter the Court Sanctioned Date. Court Sanction Date is mandatory in two situations: One or more of the people selected are under 18 (system populates this) or the parent is incompetent (worker checks this). The worker also needs to indicate if visitation arrangements have been made. Record any pertinent information regarding the voluntary relinquishment in the Comments text box.


Terminate-Appeal Information Tab:

The Appeal Information tab is used to document the parent appealing the decision to terminate parental rights. This tab is Read Only and becomes enabled after the termination has been documented.


Click on the Termination Appealed checkbox to enable the tab. Enter the Appeal Date. The Appeal Expiration Date section will populate by the system. Choose the Appeal Decision from the picklist and enter the Decision Date. Record pertinent information regarding the appeal in the Comments Text box and check if the Termination was overturned and custody was returned to the parent.


After all pertinent information has been entered, click on Add to save the initial transaction to the database or Change to change existing information. A pop up box will appear asking the worker if the worker wants to create a state ward case. If the worker wants to create a state ward case, the worker clicks on Yes. If not, click on No. Click on the Clear button to document the other parent=s termination of parental rights and complete the screen as described above. When the screen is added for the remaining parent, the system will automatically create a state ward case on the child. A pop up box will appear with the new state ward case number and new client number, and the new case will be assigned to the worker completing the Termination screen.